hardwork for about 1 month
now everything ends
really get the meaning of
we done very well for this two days
wonderfull and fantastic performance
this will be the last time with u guys
b4 i leave
10x every1 who gave me a memorable memories
i will really miss this time
that we hardwork and performs 2gether
Sugar Plum Farriessss
We are the best!!!
agree??? haha =)
took many many piccsssss after the concert

who had been teaching me for 14 yrs
thanks thanks and thanks very much

thanks every1~~~
btw my eye bengkak ady!!!
omg very pain leh
coz our makeup is soooo heavy this few days
omg omg omg
its so pain!!!!! aikz.....charm lo T_T
scare to make up ady ><
how come i nvr see my eye bengkak geh??
so funny..=P